In an exciting twist for fans of the beloved 1985 adventure film “The Goonies,” Disney Plus has announced a new project titled “Our Time.” Unlike a traditional sequel, this upcoming series will follow a group of aspiring filmmakers as they attempt to recreate the classic film shot-for-shot on a limited budget. While an official release date has yet to be revealed, anticipation is already building among nostalgic viewers.
The original “Goonies,” directed by Richard Donner, featured a talented cast of young actors, many of whom have gone on to have impressive careers in Hollywood. Sean Astin, who portrayed the adventurous Mikey, is now 51 and has appeared in notable projects like “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy and “Stranger Things.” Josh Brolin, who played the older brother Brand, has made a name for himself as a star in films such as “No Country for Old Men” and as the Marvel villain Thanos.
Other notable cast members include Jeff Cohen, who played Chunk and later pursued a successful career in law, and Corey Feldman, who portrayed Mouth and continues to act in various projects, including the recent “Suicide for Beginners.” Ke Huy Quan, who was Data, made a triumphant return to acting in the acclaimed film “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” after stepping away from the spotlight for years.
The film also introduced memorable characters like Sloth, played by the late John Matuszak, a former NFL player, and Mama Fratelli, portrayed by the late Anne Ramsey, who left a lasting impact with her iconic role.
As the legacy of “The Goonies” continues to thrive, fans can look forward to a fresh take on the classic, blending nostalgia with a new generation’s creative vision. The excitement surrounding “Our Time” offers a unique opportunity for both old and new audiences to engage with a story that has charmed viewers for decades. Stay tuned for more updates as this project develops.