In 2024, the beloved cult classic “Beetlejuice,” released in 1988, continues to captivate audiences, prompting nostalgia for its iconic cast. The film, directed by Tim Burton, is remembered not only for its quirky storyline but also for its remarkable ensemble of actors. As we take a look back at the cast from then and now, we see how time has shaped their lives and careers.
Alec Baldwin, who played the charming Adam Maitland, was just 30 years old during the film’s release. Now at 66, he remains a prominent figure in Hollywood, known for his versatility in both comedic and dramatic roles. Michael Keaton, who brought the titular character to life, was 36 in 1988 and is now 72, continuing to shine in various film projects, including his acclaimed return as Batman.
Geena Davis, who portrayed the spirited Barbara Maitland, was 32 when she starred in the film. Today, at 68, she remains an influential actress and advocate for gender equality in Hollywood. The film also featured Winona Ryder as the iconic Lydia Deetz, who was just 16 then and is now 52, celebrated for her roles in both film and television over the decades.
Other notable cast members include Katherine O’Hara, now 70, and Jeffrey Jones, now 77, both of whom have enjoyed successful careers since their roles in “Beetlejuice.” Tragically, we remember those we have lost, such as Glenn Shadix and Carmen Filpi, who have left a lasting legacy through their work.
As “Beetlejuice” continues to be cherished by fans old and new, the journey of its cast serves as a reminder of the film’s enduring impact on popular culture. The blend of humor, horror, and heart that defined “Beetlejuice” remains timeless, just like the talented individuals who brought it to life.