In a nostalgic look back at the beloved 1986 teen comedy “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” we reflect on how the film’s cast has evolved over the last 35 years. Directed by John Hughes, the movie was made on a modest budget of $5 million but grossed over $70 million at the box office, cementing its status as a classic.
Matthew Broderick, who portrayed the charming Ferris Bueller, earned a Golden Globe nomination for his performance. At 24 years old in 1986, Broderick has since amassed an impressive 84 credits in film and television, including notable roles in “War Games” and “Inspector Gadget.” Now 60, he continues to engage audiences with his talent.
Sarah Jessica Parker played Ferris’s girlfriend, Sloane Peterson. At 18 during filming, she has since enjoyed a successful career, winning a Saturn Award for her role in “Timecop” and appearing in various projects until her last credited appearance in 2011. She is now 54.
Alan Ruck, who played Ferris’s hypochondriac best friend Cameron Frye, has also had a prolific career with over 100 credits, including a substantial role in “Spin City.” Now 65, Ruck continues to shine in television and film.
Jeffrey Jones portrayed the scheming school dean Ed Rooney. At 39 during filming, Jones’s career includes a range of memorable roles in over 70 productions. He is currently 75 years old.
Jennifer Grey, known as Jeannie Bueller, famously starred in “Dirty Dancing.” Now 62, she has maintained a presence in Hollywood, with her last appearance in the series “Dollface.”
Other cast members, such as Cindy Pickett, Matthew Broderick’s parents, and Edie McClurg as the school secretary, have also carved out enduring careers, reflecting the lasting impact of their roles in this iconic film.
As fans reminisce about the movie, they are left to ponder: what outrageous lengths did they go to for a day off school? The legacy of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” continues to inspire both nostalgia and laughter in a new generation of viewers.