In a nostalgic look back at the beloved 1985 adventure-comedy film “The Goonies,” fans are not only reminded of the film’s iconic cast but also treated to exciting news about a new remake. The original film, directed by Richard Donner, has left an indelible mark on pop culture, and now Disney Plus plans to revive its spirit in a fresh series titled “Our Time.”
As of 2022, the original cast has experienced diverse career trajectories. Sean Astin, who portrayed the adventurous Mikey, is now 51 and has starred in nearly 180 projects, with notable roles in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy and “Stranger Things.” Josh Brolin, 54, known for his role as the older brother Brand, has cemented his place as a Hollywood heavyweight with performances in “No Country for Old Men” and as the Marvel villain Thanos.
Meanwhile, Jeff Cohen, who played Chunk, transitioned from acting to law, becoming a founding partner at an entertainment law firm. Core members like Corey Feldman and Ke Huy Quan have continued to find success, with Feldman appearing in the 2022 film “Suicide for Beginners,” and Quan returning to acting with “Everything Everywhere All at Once.”
The series “Our Time” will not serve as a direct sequel, but rather will explore a group of aspiring filmmakers attempting to recreate “The Goonies” shot-for-shot on a limited budget. The concept promises a blend of nostalgia and innovation, appealing to both longtime fans and a new generation.
This fresh take on a classic narrative underscores the enduring legacy of “The Goonies,” reminding audiences of the adventure and camaraderie that defined the original film. While the release date for “Our Time” has yet to be announced, anticipation builds for what promises to be an engaging homage to the beloved classic.