The beloved comedy “Good Burger,” released in 1997, continues to capture the hearts of fans nearly three decades later. A recent video sheds light on how the film’s cast has changed over the years, showcasing their evolution from fresh-faced actors to their current selves in 2023.
Kel Mitchell, who played the iconic role of Ed, remains a cherished figure in the entertainment industry. Ed is characterized as a naive and lovable cashier at Good Burger, whose blunders are only overshadowed by his genuine kindness. Mitchell, now in his 40s, has embraced various roles in television and film, maintaining his connection with fans.
Opposite him, Kenan Thompson portrayed Dexter Reed, a high school student whose journey at Good Burger begins with self-interest but evolves into a heartfelt friendship with Ed. Thompson has since become a prominent figure on “Saturday Night Live,” showcasing his comedic talent and versatility.
Sinbad, who played Mr. Wheat, Dexter’s accommodating teacher, has continued to entertain audiences with his stand-up comedy and acting, while Dan Schneider, as Mr. Baily, the Good Burger owner, remains a notable figure in children’s television.
Other memorable characters include Kurt Bozwell, played by Jan Schweiterman, and Spatch, portrayed by the late Ron Lester, whose legacy continues to be honored by fans. The film also featured a cameo from basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal, who helped propel Good Burger into the limelight with his enthusiastic endorsement.
As the years have passed, the cast has not only grown older but has also expanded their careers, exploring new avenues in the industry while staying connected to the cult classic that brought them together. From the quirky antics of Ed and Dexter to the memorable supporting roles, “Good Burger” remains a nostalgic touchstone for many, and fans are eager to see what the future holds for this iconic franchise.