Aussie Mum Called A ‘Monster’ For Having Son’s Birthmark Lasered Hits Back At Trolls – Babies The World

They branded her a ‘monster’ – but Brooke Atkins, 33, knew she was right to use the treatment on her little boy. Little Kingsley was welcomed to the world in January last year by Brooke and her partner Kewene Wallace, 27.

Kingsley at birth with port wine stain on his face

He was a large mark covering half of his face – the mark is also known as a port wine stain and they are usually harmless.

But the family were soon told that their little boy had a rare illness.

Port wine stains covering the face and eye have been linked to glaucoma and a rare neurological disorder called Sturge Weber Syndrome.

Illustration of Sturge Weber Syndrome effects

This is a condition that causes seizures and other disabilities, while glaucoma affects vision and can cause blindness.

Sadly, Kingsley had both conditions.

It led his mum to make the tough decision on May 31 last year to use laser treatment on his skin.

Brooke and Kingsley after treatment

Brooke said: “The thing with port wine stains is that they are progressive, meaning they will change and darken over time.

“They can develop a ‘cobblestone’ appearance, with raised bumps, ridges and the risk of vascular blebs, where they dangerously bleed.

“Once a port wine stain gets to this stage, it is often very difficult to treat and laser barely has any effect, as the skin is already far too damaged.”

When he was first born, the family were referred to the Queensland Children’s Hospital dermatology and vascular department in Australia.

This is where they organised the first treatment and it was explained in further detail why laser would be important for little Kingsley.

Kingsley receiving treatment at the hospital

Brooke said: “The purpose of the laser treatments are not to ‘remove’ the birthmark but instead keep the skin healthy, to prevent any further damage to the area.”

The Pulsed Dye Laser is the most effective treatment for the condition, but Brooke has been criticised on social media for her decision to give Kingsley the procedure.

One person said: “Don’t think I could laser my baby.”

Another commented: “That birthmark is barely visible, what you’re doing to him is horrible, it’s more for you than him.”

“Brainwashed mother making her kid insecure the second he gets out the womb,” a third said.

However, many people were quick to rush to her defence saying she is his mum and therefore knows best.

Brooke said that when she first started reading negative comments, she cried to herself.

She said she had a whole heap of mum guilt, which made her question her decision.

Brooke sharing her story about Kingsley

Even though she knew she was doing the right thing, she said the cruel words still played in her head.

“Thankfully for every negative comment, there were 100 positive, so it helped a lot!

“I just wish these people had known about the health issues connected to these types of birthmarks before writing these things, that this wasn’t for cosmetic reasons and that as parents, this was the hardest decision we have had to make.

“That the last six months have been extremely hard on us and reading these comments, actually do hurt – this is the last thing we need, judgement from those who have no understanding around my son’s conditions.”

While she says she constantly worries about her son’s future, he continues to hit all his milestones.

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中居正広がSMAP解散の裏切り者とされる中で、彼に関する新たな情報が浮上しています。2024年12月中旬から報じられた女性トラブルの影響で、メディアから姿を消している中居さん。現在、彼のレギュラー番組は「中居の土曜日な会」のみとなり、他の番組は相次いで終了しています。この状況により、広告代理店関係者からは、彼に対する医薬金が10億円を超える可能性があるとの情報が寄せられています。   特に、テレビのレギュラー枠がゴールデンタイムであったことが、高額な医薬金に繋がっているとされています。中居さんのCM契約も、ソフトバンクやタイミーが放送を取りやめるなど、影響が出ています。現在、彼は個人事務所「のんびりな」を立ち上げたものの、大手事務所に所属していた頃のような支援は期待できない状況です。このため、関係者は「医薬金地獄に待ち受けている」と厳しい見方を示しています。   また、中居さんは2023年8月11日の「キスまでの中居」での発言が注目されています。この際、彼は「目標がない」と虚無感を漏らしており、ネット上では話題となりました。この発言が行われた時期には、すでに女性トラブルが起こっていた可能性が指摘されています。   さらに、SMAP解散に関する新たな証言も浮上しています。2015年以降、SMAPの解散や独立の話が業界内で広まり、2016年には解散が発表されました。その際、中居さんは事務所側に立つかと思えば、時には反対の立場を取るなど、周囲に不信感を抱かせていたとのことです。一方で、他のメンバーは一貫した行動を示していたため、中居さんの行動が裏切り者とされているのです。   その後、中居さんは解散後に最もダメージを受けなかったメンバーとして知られ、テレビの王様と呼ばれるまでになりましたが、今回のトラブルによってその地位も危うくなっています。   また、元女子アナでYouTuberの青木カノンさんが、フジテレビの番組制作関係者からの性被害を告発しました。青木さんは、自身が女子アナ時代に受けた被害について詳細を明かし、テレビ業界の浄化を目指す意図を語っています。この告発が大きな話題となり、業界内の事情が明るみに出ることを期待されています。   さらに、声優の小野真香さんが適応障害と診断され、活動を制限することが発表されました。中居さんの発言が原因とされる声もあり、今後の展開に注目が集まります。   このように、中居正広を取り巻く状況は厳しさを増しており、フジテレビは調査委員会を設置することを明らかにしていますが、社長の説明が不十分であるため、さらなる展開が予想されています。中居さんの一連の騒動は、業界全体に影響を与える可能性が高く、注視が必要です。

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